

Yes it is possible to add a vCenter node as both vCenter and DPX client node.


Step By Step

Yes, you are able to add the vCenter server as both a DPX agent and a VMware vCenter node.  The DPX agent must be installed on the vCenter node before it can be added with an Access Method of TCP/IP.  Two unique logical node names will need to be added into the Enterprise to accommodate adding a vCenter server as an agent and a VMware vCenter node.  Prior to adding these nodes, a duplicate IP setting must be changed within the DPX Enterprise.

The following commands must be run from the DPX Command prompt on the Master Server:
c s localhost ssdb
db login sysadmin SYSADMINPASSWORD

  1. Start the DPX Command Prompt

     2. Run the command: syncui

     3. Run the command: c s localhost ssdb

     4. Run the command: db login sysadmin <sysadmin password>

     5. Run the command: pref_add_DONOT_CHECK_DUP_HOST Y

     6. Run the command: quit