

Linux SLES11/SP4 node block backup failed with cm_ap_connect_str(apph@X.X.X.X) failed, rc (12104)


Linux SLES 11 node failed block backup with APPH.  Failed to come up within the CMAGENT timeout setting.

Job log error messages:
Mon May 01 14:52:41 2017 SNBSVH_988E  APPH session setup failed with exception: ModException(0, Attempted connection to apph@X.X.X.X failed with exception: cm_ap_connect_str(apph@X.X.X.X) failed, rc (12104), description (The server on the node did not register with CMAGENT within the timeout setting.))

Mon May 01 14:52:41 2017 SNBSVH_926E  Job definition resolution for node(TCL205) failed with exception: com.syncsort.bex.db.JobDefException: APPH session setup failed for node: TCL205

Client node: std_apph... log message /opt/dpx/misc/jre/bin/java returns incorrect version info: Error occurred during initialization of VM


The kernel build for the Linux box is 3.0.101-0.21 which is known to have issue with JVM.  The resolution is to increase VM system RAM.  In current case, increasing from 2 GB to 8 GB resolved the issue.