

Attempting to run NetAapp restore policy fails due to outdated information in the ECX catalog.


NetApp Restore job failing with error:
ERROR,1496916412124,Thu 8 Jun 2017 10:06:52 UTC,2,Load NetApp data: Failed to load storage information for source (XXXXX). Error = (NetAppSnapshotNotFoundException).
ERROR,1496916412129,Thu 8 Jun 2017 10:06:52 UTC,2,Load NetApp data: Failed to find the snapshot with ID (5265e4e2-c781-4a50-b6a7-547957a00eca) for volume (cecx_sm_20151120161523_vol_gva_data)  snapshot copy type = (mirror). You may want to run a inventory condense job. NetApp server (XXXXX) reports: (Snapshot with version UUID 5265e4e2-c781-4a50-b6a7-547957a00eca not found)
ERROR,1496916412130,Thu 8 Jun 2017 10:06:52 UTC,2,There are no snapshot copies available for recovery for snapshot (Monthly_GVA_DATA_Snapshot0_45__20160707_163602) volume (vol_gva_data).


The restore job in question ran successfully after running the NetApp Storage Catalog Policy to update which snapshots were present in the catalog.
Related Products: ECX