

Linux block level tasks fail with 10035 error


Linux block level backups fail with error:
  • X.X.X.X  8 9/20/2017 2:04:21 am SNBSVH_488E Task 3 failed. Reason(initializeServerConfig() failed with ndmpException: NDMPSessionException(0, Attempted connection to ssndmpc@ failed with exception: cm_ap_connect_str(ssndmpc@ failed, rc (10035), description (The operation would set the socket into blocking mode.)))


This behavior is currently under investigation and will be addressed in a future DPX Maintenance Update.

Disable single socket use setting in DPX for this specific failing.  To do so, edit the SSICMAPI file in the DPX/misc directory on the failing client node.  Change it to:
-a 6123 -tnd -sbs 65535 -lcl no -ska on -pfd no -c x -hn < insert local IP address> and then restart the DPX Services.