

How can agentless backups be required to use simple (NBD) transport mode

Step By Step

In order to force the virtualization proxy servers to use simple transport or NBD mode for agentless backup the following switch -force_simple_transport needs to be added to the rmi server configuration:
  1. Open the DPX/bin/ssrmi.bat file in a text editor on each Proxy Server and the Master server.
  2. On the line add --force_simple_transport as follows: \tools\jre\bin\java -Xrs -Xss1024k -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n -DDMAUTIL_JNI_DBG=0 -DSYNCPROVIDER_JNI_DBG=0 -cp ..\lib\vfl.jar;..\lib\rmiserver.jar;..\lib\hostservices.jar;..\lib\dmautil.jar;..\lib\;..\lib\TMG.jar;..\lib\ com.syncsort.bex.bexnet.RMIServer --force_simple_transport -debug 5 >> %STDLOG% 2>&1 
  3. Save the file 
  4. Restart the DPX Services on the Proxy server.