

DPX 4.5.1 allows you to set the starting day and time for the Job List that displays on the Job Monitor. You define the start time by providing (a) the number of days to look backwards, and (b) the time on that day to commence the Job List.

Step By Step

DPX allows you to set the starting day and time for the Job List that displays on the Job Monitor.  You define the start time by providing (a) the number of days to look backwards, and (b) the time on that day to commence the Job List.

For example, if you want to track jobs from three days ago, starting at 4:30 p.m. on that day, you provide the value 3 for “Days” and 16:30 for “Time”.

The default starting time is 11:55 p.m. yesterday, and the ending time is fixed at 11:55 p.m. today.
Modify the starting time by passing the –W parameter to the DPX module sssched, followed by the number of days you want to view and the starting time on that day.
The syntax is:
-W [D#]Thh[:mm] 
  • Any portion in square braces is optional. The capital D and T are required when that portion is used.
  • The D# part of the option is the days, with the default being 1.  The days must start with the capital letter D.  The maximum value for D is 3.
  • The Thh[:mm] part of the option is the time specified, using a 24-hour clock. The time must start with the capital letter T.
Once set, the starting days and time persists from session to session.  Note that when you first expand the time range, you will not see the jobs that preceded the previous start time because they have already been dropped from the Job List’s memory.

For a Windows master server, complete the following procedure when there is no active DPX job running:
  1. Stop the cmagent service.
  2. Open regedit and drill down to the software registry where cmagent and all other product options are saved.
  3. If it is not already there, create a new string value named “SSSCHED”. Once created, add  –W followed by the timespan desired.
For example, an entry for starting 3 days ago at 4:30 p.m. is:
  1. Restart cmagent.
For a Linux master server, complete the following procedure when there is no active DPX job running:
  1. Stop the cmagent process. Observe that the besched process is no longer running.
  2. Edit the bin/sssched script. At the end of the exec line, add –W followed by the timespan desired.
For example, an entry for starting 3 days ago at 4:30 p.m. is:
exec ./besched -W D3T16:30
  1. Start the cmagent process again. Observe that the besched process is now running.