

This document provides the steps for Docker SCDM offline installation.

Step By Step

Install Docker repository on the machine that has internet access:

Install Docker registry server

Make sure this host has the hostname resolved in DNS.


$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2

# repository with TLS support, see doc
# example:
# docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry -v /certs:/certs -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/domain.crt -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/domain.key  registry:2

Upload Docker images to local docker repository

Pull images from Docker hub:

$ docker pull postgres:8.4

$ docker pull mongo:3.2.12

$ docker login --username catalogic --password catal0gic

$ docker pull catalogicsoftware/discovery

$ docker pull catalogicsoftware/vadp

$ docker pull ibmscdm/scdm


 Tag images:

$ docker  tag  ibmscdm/scdm localhost:5000/scdm

$ docker tag mongo:3.2.12 localhost:5000/mongo:3.2.12

$ docker tag postgres:8.4 localhost:5000/postgres:8.4

$ docker tag catalogicsoftware/vadp localhost:5000/vadp

$ docker tag  catalogicsoftware/discovery localhost:5000/discovery


 Push Docker images to local registry:

$ docker  push localhost:5000/scdm

$ docker  push localhost:5000/mongo:3.2.12

$ docker  push localhost:5000/postgres:8.4

$ docker  push localhost:5000/vadp

$ docker  push localhost:5000/discovery


Download script from the Catalogic support site to your proxy server (this is the same server that runs the Docker registry).

And run installation.

$ bash install

After installation you should see the following file structure:

          \_ EULA
          \_ scdm.yml


Copy entire “scdm” directory to the machine that does not have internet access. The file structure should remain same when placed in the /etc/scdm directory. This machine should have Docker installed.

Update the image name to new images added in your local repository:

# myregistrydomain (example) is FQDN for your registry server, Should be resolvable from your offline machine.

$ REGISTRY=<myregistrydomain:5000>

$ sed -i "s#image: #image: ${REGISTRY}/#g" /etc/scdm/scdm.yml

$ sed -i "s#catalogicsoftware/##g" /etc/scdm/scdm.yml

$ sed -i "s#ibmscdm/##g" /etc/scdm/scdm.yml

Test if you can pull docker image from your local registry:

$ docker pull ${REGISTRY}/scdm

If successful, proceed to start the scdm application:

cd /etc/scdm
./scdm start