

While rerunning a failed backup using the "Failed Nodes Rerun" option from the Monitor screen listing, the resulting job may fail with the error: “Unequal number of source and destination statements”.


When rerunning a failed backup using the "Failed Nodes Rerun" option from the Monitor screen the following errors are shown:
  • Job with name srjxxxxxxxx in failed state in the Job Monitor
  • Rerun  job fails with error : X.X.X.X 8/7/2019 1:47:27 pm SNBSVH_954E Job(srj1565200030) definition processing failed with exception: Unequal number of source and destination statements


This behavior will be addressed in a DPX Maintenance Update. However, a complete Maintenance Update is not available at this time. A hotfix for this issue can be downloaded from the  Mysupport website

To apply the hotfix on Windows Master : 
- Extract the compressed file and copy to Master server. 
- Stop the DPX Services on the Master server  
- Rename the ssdb.exe in DPX/bin directory to 
- Copy in the new ssdb.exe to DPX/bin directory.
- Restart the DPX Services 
- Rerun the Failed Nodes Rerun commands again.  

To apply the hotfix on Master Server Appliance  : 
- Extract the compressed file and copy to Master Server Appliance. 
- Stop the DPX Services on the Master server  using sudo /opt/DPX/misc/sscmagent stop 
- Rename the ssdb in DPX/bin directory to 
- Copy in the new ssdb to DPX/bin directory.
- Change the permissions to executable using chmod +x ssdb 
- Restart the DPX Services sudo /opt/DPX/misc/sscmagent start 
- Rerun the Failed Nodes Rerun commands again.  

If the issue continues to occur after applying the hotfix please contact  Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support for obtaining the required update referencing Issue ID DPSUST-4642