

The root partition shows a critically low free space after a few weeks on a MasterServer OVA.
A lot of the consumed disk pace is in /var/lib/docker/swarm/worker/ as shown with sudo du -h /var/lib/docker/swarm/worker/


This behavior is due to an error in the Docker system that Catalogic DPX uses for the OVA Master Server.  Currently, the Docker system does not for automatically deletion of entries in the Tasks DB.

To free up the disks space used by the Tasks DB please do the following:

1) Ensure the following commands are run with sudo privileges on the CLI of the OVA.
2) Stop all DPX jobs that are running and stop DPX cmagent service - /opt/DPX/misc/sscmagent stop, because the DPX Docker instances will need to be restarted.
3) Open SSH connection to the master server
4) Stop the Docker services 
cd /opt/catalogic
make stop
5) Leave swarm which will clean/del all working files in /var/lib/docker/swarm/*
docker swarm leave -f
6) Initialize swarm, which will create new certificate and a clean working dir
docker swarm init
7) Start all DPX's docker services
cd /opt/catalogic
make start
8) Verify if the size of Tasks DB was reduced
du -h /var/lib/docker/swarm/worker/
9) Start DPX cmagent service /opt/DPX/misc/sscmagent start