

An error return code of 7038 is generated during tape unload.


The jukebox is setup to support auto-unload ("AutoUL = Yes"). Please confirm this by running JItest (see the Jukebox and Device Setup Guide in the manuals directory of DPX for more detail). After issuing the command open, you should see this setting in the inquiry report. We recommend this setting to be turned off since we are controlling the arm and do not want the hardware to auto unload the tapes. Please consult the jukebox user manual or contact the hardware manufacture to find out how to turn this option off.

If you are unable to find this option within the hardware, you can also block this by adding a switch to ssjuker.

On the machine controlling the robotic arm, the SSJUKER environment variable requires the -U off flag.


Modify the registry string value to include/append the following value data.

String Value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Syncsort\BackupExpress\<hostname>\SSJUKER

Value Data: -U off



Modify the file ssjuker in the bin directory of DPX to include the -U off flag to the exec statement:

exec ./juker -C 256 -U off