

This article describes how to configure DPX to use different networks for data movement between clients and device servers.


Assume that device server Server1 is connected to a Private Network where you wish to perform the data transfer for the backups and a Public Network where significant data transfer from backups is to be avoided. How can DPX be configured to back up a client server Server2 using the Private Network to the device server Server1? More generally, how can DPX be configured to force data movement traffic on a specific network from client machine to device server?

To implement this design, you must apply a new feature that is available by request only to users running DPX 2.1.5 or above. The example here is as stated above for simplicity, but can be generalized to any number of server configurations.

You will then need to follow these steps (variables appear in < >):

1. Edit files:

  • On a UNIX servers participating in the redirection, edit the DPX/bin/ssevthnd file by appending the switch -devips <filename> to the end, where <filename> is the fully qualified file that contains the data paths. This file can reside anywhere on the machine, but should preferably be placed in DPX\bin.
  • On a Windows servers participating in the redirection, edit (or add) the registry string value (using regedit) HKLM\Software\Syncsort\BackupExpress\<Machine Name>\0\SSEVTHND with the value -devips <filename>, where <filename> is the fully qualified file that contains the data paths. This file can reside anywhere on the machine, but should preferably be placed in DPX\bin.

2. Populate <filename> with hostname/IP address pairs:

<hostname> <Dedicated device server IP address for this hostname> <Private Interface for this hostname>

<hostname> <Dedicated device server IP address for this hostname> <Private Interface for this hostname>

: :

<hostname> <Dedicated device server IP address for this hostname> <Private Interface for this hostname>

where <hostname> is the logical name by which a server is known to DPX (not necessarily the DNS name of the server), and <Dedicated device server IP address for this hostname> is the IP address of the device server you will use when backing up this <hostname>, and <Private Interface for this hostname> is the network interface local to <hostname> where data will be transferred on for restore. Usually, the dedicated device server IP address and the local private interface will reside on the same network.

In the above example, assume that Server1 has an IP address of a.a.a.a on the Private Network. In addition, assume that Server2 has an IP address of b.b.b.b on the Private Network. In this case, this file <filename> would read as follows on both machines,

Server1 a.a.a.a a.a.a.a

Server2 a.a.a.a b.b.b.b

We could expand this to a three machine configuration, i.e. Server3 with private interface c.c.c.c backing up to Server1, as follows,

Server1 a.a.a.a a.a.a.a

Server2 a.a.a.a b.b.b.b

Server3 a.a.a.a c.c.c.c

All of the traffic associated with these nodes would go through Server1, through the dedicated interface with IP address of a.a.a.a.

Note: It may be best to create the redirection file <filename> and then copy it out to all servers involved. This file <filename> will generally not be specific to any given machine.

Note: You may need to have each machine scanned into the DPX enterprise by hostname, where the logical name of the node matches the resolvable hostname.

3. Restart DPX on the machines involved in the redirection.

A backup job backing up the servers listed in this file will use the corresponding IP address to copy data from a server to the device server, even in the case where these IP addresses are not visible from the master server.

Contact DPX Technical Support for more information.