

When attempting to browse a Windows cluster node, it fails with error rc=10053.


The corresponding ssbrowse (*.fbl) logs located in the DPX logs directory on the client show the following:

Tue Jan 17 13:08:14 2006 SNBFBR3069E OpenClusterResource failed(Backup Express IP Address) - 5007

Tue Jan 17 13:08:14 2006 SNBFBR3069E ms_get_clustnodestat::ms_get_bex_cluster_ip: failed -2

Tue Jan 17 13:08:14 2006 SNBFBR3069E Querying the Cluster Node Status failed - -2



Generally, this OpenClusterResource failed error indicates a problem with the cluster configuration. If this node is part of a Windows cluster, verify that there is a defined resource called Backup Express IP Address in the Backup Express group as the 5007 error indicates that the cluster resource could not be found.

If this node is not currently part of a cluster, please contact DPX Support for assistance.