

This article describes how to restore an OSSV or XRS SQL 2000 database to a different SQL server.


This applies if the source backup was from a SQL 2000 server; the destination can be either SQL 2000 or 2005. The destination server is a different SQL server or a newly installed SQL server with an instance name that is different than the server that was backed up.

It will be easier to use the IA map feature of OSSV/XRS to accomplish your restore. This requires that the destination server have the Microsoft iSCSI initiator installed.

  1. Determine from the source server what hard drives contain the database and log files you are interested in.
  2. IA map those drives to the destination server.
  3. Copy the necessary database and log files to the local system.
  4. Use the SQL Server "Attach Database" feature to attached these files and bring up the database you restored.

If the IA map method is not desirable or cannot be used, then follow these steps to perform a successful restore to an alternate server using the GUI.

You first need to determine the database name(s) from the original server you want to restore. Your restore server will need hard drive resources large enough to accommodate all restored databases.

  1. For each data base you wish to restore, create a database with the same name on the destination server. The data base and log file path names will default to MS-SQL's default data path. Wherever it wants to put them is fine, the newly created files will be small and subsequent steps here will designate the location where you want the restored database to live.
  2. Create a directory on your data drive where you want your restored database and log files to be written to. For example: D:\restore\db and D:\restore\logs
  3. On the Snapvault restore or XRS restore screen, drill down on the left hand side and choose the server, instance, backup date, and then drill down to choose the individual databases you want to restore.
  4. On the right hand side, drill down into the server and instance you wish to restore to.
  5. Click on the "destination options" button, and set "MSSQL with Replace" to 'yes', and then set "MSSQL New Location" and "MSSQL New Location Logs" to the disk and directory where you want them to be restored to. See example below:
  6. Save and run your job.

The OSSV restore jobs will restore your data to the alternate server successfully.