

This article describes how to move a SnapVault relationship from one aggregate to another and preserve the incremental relationship.


The following procedure uses the vol copy Data ONTAP command. Consult the DATA ONTAP documentation to configure the command for a local volume copy operation. Operations in the procedure below, except where noted, use the Data ONTAP command line or the FilerView interface. Substitute your Filer volume as necessary.

  1. Rename the original volume name. For example, VolName_orig.
  2. Create a new volume on the aggregate you want to use and enter the name of the original volume, for example, VolName. The new volume must be the same size or larger than the original volume.
  3. Take the new volume, for example, VolName, offline.
  4. Use the Data ONTAP vol copy command to copy all data, including snapshots, to the new volume. For example:

    vol copy start -S VolName_orig VolName
  5. After the data copy, bring the new volume back online.
  6. Run the OSSV incremental backup and verify the contents.
  7. List Snapshots on Destination-Volume ( snap list <dst-vol> )
  8. On the Destination-Volume, delete the snap used by the vol copy command ( snap delete -V <dst-vol> <snapshot_for_volcopy.xx> )

Note: The -S option to vol copy copies the volume data and all volume snapshots. To preserve access to your backups, you must copy the snapshots. To remove some or all snapshots, alter the retention periods in job functions for these snapshots and run a condense.

You can remove the original volume to save space. If you do not remove the original volume, the Catalog condense does not remove the snapshots in that volume due to the volume rename. You can still use the older volume with the alternate secondary and Instant Access restore operation and the older copy can still use BMR operations.