

Though running a pre-job script has no bearing on a job's return value, a post-job script will impact the return value depending on the script's successful completion.


Regardless of a post-job script's success, a failed job will still return a failure code and a successful job will still be completed as usual.

A successful post-job script will return a status code of 0 and will not affect the overall job's return code. However, a post-job script that fails and returns a non-zero code will cause the job to inherit this code and fail.

Since an overall job inherits and returns post-job failure codes, it is recommended that your script does not use standard DPX return codes. The standard Backup Express return codes are as follows:

1: A job was aborted or canceled.

2: A minor job failure occurred, likely due to open-file warnings.

4: A job partially failed but completed some tasks.

8: A job ran but no tasks were completed.

16: A job ran and all tasks failed.

If your script or binary returns one of these failure codes then the Backup Express Job Monitor may incorrectly display various job failures. If your script or binary does return one of these values, then it is recommended that you either change this value in your program or wrap your existing program in a script that reads and modifies the return value appropriately.