

This article describes the administrator procedure for labeling tapes.



Step By Step

Navigate to Control Devices > Devices and operate the tape library for which you want to label tapes.



  1. Select Format/Label in the Option dropdown then select both Ignore Read Error and Ignore Volser.
  2. Select the Write Label function, then select the tapes that you wish to label and the tape drive that you wish to label them with. Do not click on the Medium Not Known hyperlink on the tape itself. If you accidentally click on the Medium Not Known hyperlink on the tape itself, decline any subsequent popup.
  1. Click Go.
  2. Fill out the resulting dialogue box with the media pool to use (typically the SCRATCH pool), use the barcode, put a maximum pass of 10000, the compressed capacity of the tape (only used for statistics), and the correct barcode handling to cut 8 character barcodes to 6 characters.
  1. Click OK to begin the labeling operation.