

The Open Enterprise Server (OES) Linux cluster backup fails and the job log and event handler display a connection refused for module ssdmbs" message. To resolve this issue, add the correct IP address and host name to the hosts file.


The job log displays:

Connection refused for module ssdmbs (node XXXXX disk XXXXX:). Retrying connect. For every resources

The event handler on the node holding the master IP address resource displays:

SNBEH_3001E *** Error from cm_ready rc= 10061 ***

SNBEH_1007D Error receiving message on socket 4, rc=10061

SNBEH_4306W Connection refused for module ssdmbs (node XXXXX disk XXXXXX). Retrying connect.

You can use the management console to browse the cluster and physical nodes. Cluster nodes and the cluster can be pinged by name and IP address from the DPX master server and the device server. However, there is no communication between the physical cluster nodes and the virtual node.

On the nodes, the hosts file contains HOSTNAME, instead of the correct IP address and host name.


The hosts file on each cluster node does not contain the correct IP address.

To resolve this issue, add the primary IP address and host name to the /etc/hosts file.