

An attempt to modify the NIB_PORT_RANGE parameter using the DPX management console results in the following error message: The value must only contain digits. Refer to the image below. To resolve this issue, modify the port range manually.


Important: Although the images in this article depict a specific version of the DPX management console, their functionality is applicable to all currently supported versions.

You are unable to modify the <NIB_PORT_RANGE> parameter using the DPX management console's Manage Configuration feature. When you use a space, dash, or any other special character to separate starting and ending values in a port range, the following error displays:


To resolve this issue, modify the port range manually:

For Windows computers:

  1. Create a string variable <NIB_PORT_RANGE> in the HKLM\Software\Syncsort\Backup Express\<node name>\0 registry location and enter the values for <start port>-<end port>.
  2. Restart the DPX Advanced Protection Manager service.

For UNIX/Linux computers:

  1. Edit the ssnibbler script under the SSPRODIR/bin directory by adding <NIB_PORT_RANGE><start port>-<end port> to the exec line.
  2. Restart DPX to implement the change.
  3. Replace <start port>-<end port> with the actual port range values.