

Advanced SharePoint backup fails stating that a certain node cannot be found.






Job logs display the following messages:



<time stamp> SNBAPH_499E Cannot find node name for host:(node name).
<time stamp> SNBSVH_279J Job definition class1 preprocessing for node(SharePoint_Config) ended
<time stamp> SNBSVH_952E Get info for node() failed with exception: java.lang.Exception: getNodeInfo() returned null
<time stamp> SNBSVH_954E Job(SPS) definition processing failed with exception: com.syncsort.bex.db.JobDefException: com.syncsort.bex.db.JobDefException: Failed to get node info from DB. Reason:java.lang.Exception: getNodeInfo() returned null





While there maybe other causes for this error, the solution in this case is to add entries in each SharePoint node's and the master server's hosts files.