

After upgrading DPX an agent based virtualization restore that requires selection of an ISO image fails with a job report message similar to the following: Exception in message (AFTER_RESTORE) to module (/ExpressDR/2.0), reqrc (21012) The message may refer to either ExpressDR or BMR, depending on the product version used for the backup; and the message may be preceded by a java exception such as ClassNotFound or NoSuchMethod. To resolve this issue, upload the newer version virtualization ISOs to the ESX datastores where the virtualization ISOs are saved.


You upgraded DPX or you possibly have an older version 4.1 master server active and used for virtualization restores.

When you attempt to run an agent based virtualization restore, you select the virtualization ISO. The restore fails with a java exception and an error code reqrc(21012).

The job report displays:

Exception in message (AFTER_RESTORE) to module (/ExpressDR/2.0), reqrc (21012)

The following is an example of a job report showing the failure:

Thu Oct 10 11:23:29 2013 SNBAPH_381E Exception in message (AFTER_RESTORE) to module (/ExpressDR/2.0), reqrc (21012)
Thu Oct 10 11:23:29 2013 SNBAPH_126E Func(AHOpAfterRestore:run): Exception (com.syncsort.bex.msg.bexException: <EXCEPTION CATEGORY="BEXEXCEPTION"><CODE>21012</CODE></EXCEPTION> )
Thu Oct 10 11:23:29 2013 SNBAPH_330E Error in after restore operation on an app server for the VV (/ExpressDR/2.0)
Thu Oct 10 11:23:29 2013 SNBAPH_167E Error in after restore operation on an app server
Thu Oct 10 11:23:29 2013 SNBAPH_126E Func(post_restore_): Exception (AHException: <AHExceptionxception instance at 1563273717> )
Thu Oct 10 11:23:29 2013 SNBSVH_322W App cleanup on node(BEX) failed with exception: BEX Exception


When you install Catalogic Software DPX and configure the Enterprise for agent based virtualization restores, there is a requirement to copy the following two ISO images to datastores available to your ESX nodes:

  • virt-4XX-lin.iso
  • virt-4XX-win.iso

These ISO images are for Linux and Windows virtualization, respectively.

When you upgrade an Enterprise to the latest DPX version , new virtualization ISO images are installed to the master server. You must upload these newer ISO images to datastores available to the ESX hosts you intend on doing virtualization restores to. The ISO images are in the misc directory of the master server.