

Remote seeding image restore to a local node fails to assign DISKDIRECTORY device.


Second part of the remote seeding procedure, image restore job to a local node, might fail to assign DISKDIRECTORY tape device.

Job fails with:

Found 0 matching device controls.
*** Unable to get device assignment for job (volser <name>) ***

*** Job <ID> failed ***

Taking a loser look at the corresponding DMM (ssdatmgr*) log reveals that the job is looking for the original device used during the first part of the seeding procedure, namely the image backup of the remote node.

DMM log:

ResUserRestore(***) is looking for resources.
ResUserRestore(***): No matching device control.
using DeviceCtl Pattern :

AndPattern(DeviceCtlPattern(poolNamePattern=<correct pool name>,),

DeviceCtl(isUp,mediaType=DISKDIRECTORY,mediaName=<correct volser>,


DeviceCtlPattern(deviceNamePattern=<old backup device name>,))
Fri Mar 07 11:56:27 2014 SNBDMM2992J Found 0 matching device controls.


This behavior will be addressed in a DPX Maintenance Update. However, a complete Maintenance Update is not available at this time.


Temporarily delete the original device cluster and DISKDIRECTORY devices used during the initial seeding stage, the image backup of the remote node and rerun the image restore job.