

An eDirDB Object fails to browse/backup, because Novell renamed the Novell eDirectory" to "NetIQ eDirectory.""


The following messages might display in the backup job log:

<time stamp> The connection to the TSA failed. This error commonly occurs due to a bad userid and/or password to login to the Netware machine.

<time stamp> Get Failed For bex://filesystem/10/Novell/<node name>/.UNSECURE

The FBL logs displays the following:

<time stamp> SNBFBR3066D use root username/password to connect to TSA
<time stamp> SNBFBR1064D Attempting to connect to tsa(<node name>.NetIQ Directory) target(<node name>) user(root)
<time stamp> SNBFBR3066D Connecting to TSA (<node name>.NetIQ Directory)
<time stamp> SNBFBR3066D Connected to TSA (<node name>.NetIQ Directory), conn(1)
<time stamp> SNBFBR3066D Connecting to Target Service (<node name>)
<time stamp> SNBFBR1062E sms rc is (fffdffd7) from routine (NWSMTConnectToTargetService)
<time stamp> SNBFBR1065D Attempting to release target at connection (1)
<time stamp> SNBFBR5201E PROG : fb_procqsubfiles : : rc (1202) from (ms_target_connect)
<time stamp> SNBFBR5201E PROG : fb_recmessage : : rc (1201) from (fb_procqsubfiles)
<time stamp> SNBFBR5201E fb_wait : rc (1201) from (fb_recmessage)


A hot fix from Novell is available to correct the problem.

Refer to the following KB for further details: