

The configuration option for volume verification on a DPX node is hidden by default in the management console. This functionality can be enabled by enabling a command line option when starting the management console.


The volume verification option for a DPX node is not available in the management console.


Configuring the volume verification for a node can be accomplished by enabling the command line option -volverify when starting the management console. Once enabled, the volume verification options will show up in the edit node panel of the Enterprise Configuration screen.

  1. For Windows:
    1. Locate the bexgui.bat in SSPRODIR/tool.
    2. Edit the bexgui.bat file to add -volverify at the end of line %JAVA_BEXGUI% -jar %BEXGUIFILE_RUN%
    3. Save bexgui.bat.
    4. Start the local management console, the new feature is enabled.
  2. For Linux:
    1. Locate the file bexgui on SSPRODIR/misc.
    2. Edit the bexgui file to add -volverify at the end of the line $bexguijava/bin/java $JAVAOPTS -jar $PRODIR/http/webapps/ROOT/$guijar
    3. Save bexgui.
    4. Start the local management console, the new feature is enabled.
  3. Starting the Java Web Start interface with Volume Verification option available.
    1. Locate the dpx.jnlp file on the master server in SSPRODIR/http/webapps/ROOT/.
    2. In dpx.jnlp, locate the <application-desc> tag and insert a <argument> tag:
    • <application-desc main-class="MainClass" >
    • <argument>-volverify</argument>
    • </application-desc>
    1. Savethe dpx.jnlp file.
    2. On the current workstation, clear the Java cache to make sure the new dpx.jnlp file will be loaded.
    3. Start the Java Web Start interface and the volume verification option will be available.