

Virtualizing a physical server running Windows 2012 R2, fails to install the NIC Adapter on the resulting VM.



After successfully virtualizing a physical Windows 2012 R2 server, the NIC adapter fails to properly install. Even after installing vmware tools, the NIC adapter is not properly installed from device manager. The adapter will have an exclamation mark next to it. Below is an example of a use case where the vmxnet3 adapter is not properly installing:





In order to get the driver installed properly, run the Microsoft utility sysprep. Sysprep is located under, C:\Windows\System32\sysprep.

Open the sysprep application then select the same options as the screenshot below when running sysprep. Note that running sysprep will remove the server from the domain and will require you to add it back to the domain after reboot.

After the reboot, you will be required to put in a new local administrator password. After signing into the Windows desktop, the vmxnet3 NIC adapter is automatically installed and the new VM will have an IP Address assigned. Re-assign the server back into your domain to complete the process.