

When performing an agent based backup of Windows 2003 clients to NetApp cDOT 8.3.1RC1 or later, the backup fails. This occurs both for Windows 2003 and both x86 and x64 architectures. For DPX 4.3.3, a hotfix is available to correct the problem. For DPX 4.4, support for Windows 2003 machines is limited to running the DPX 4.3.3 client on Windows 2003 systems in a DPX 4.4 enterprise. The hotfix procedure outlined herein will also function in that case.






When performing a backup of Windows 2003 x64 or x86 clients to a NetApp cDOT 8.3.1RC1 or later version of OnTap, the backup fails with errors immediately before the transfer phase to the NetApp storage system. The job log indicates errors as follows:



SNBNCJ_103E Task 4 NDMP_LOG: id(1,620), type(NDMP_LOG_ERROR), text(Backup Err: [Failed to open dir [c_ewh_TEST[oEHMW2K3x86gi4]EH-W2K3-X86@APPS_], err[qtree-list-iter - Error 13001 Parsing error in results: Start tag expect, '<' not found ]]) sssvh Thu Jul 30 10:50:25 2015 SNBNCJ_103E Task 1 NDMP_LOG: id(3,400), type(NDMP_LOG_ERROR), text(Non-standard exception was caught on backup process)





A hotfix must be received from technical support with several executables and libraries that must be replaced to resolve this issue (libsal.dll, libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, nibbler.exe, ssmaper.exe, ia.dll).



Perform the following steps on the Windows 2003 client:

  1. Stop All DPX services.
  2. Apply the modules, replacing all instances of these modules in the product directory. In some cases, a module may appear in more than one location and all locations must be replaced.
  3. Open regedit and navigate to HKLM\Software\Syncsort\BackupExpress\<Node Name>\0. Create a new string value of:
  4. String Value: NIB_CDOT_ISCSI
  5. Value Data: Y
  6. Restart all DPX services.
  7. Perform the first base backup.