

The following procedure describes how to change the warning and error thresholds of the ECX Appliance Filesystems widget.






ECX monitors the appliance filesystems, and the threshold for warnings can be configured if considered to be too low.







The threshold configuration settings are found in the following file:



com.syncsort.dp.xsb.monitor.filestorage.config.json (/opt/virgo/repository/ecx-usr )

By default, the warning percentage is 60. To change the percentage, change the value of the key "warnPercent." Each filesystem item can be assigned a different value.

"warnPercent": 60

The error threshold can be changed through the "errorPercent": 90 parameter.

Note: After changing this value, you must restart Virgo for the changes to take effect. Restart Virgo on the appliance through the following commands:

service virgo stop

service virgo start