

1. Catalog backups may fail with error: ssjobhnd Tue Apr 20 05:00:01 2021 SNBJH_3427E *** Error locking database for catalog backup, rc = 1792 ***

2. "docker ps" command doesn't show any running containers.

3. "messages" log from /var/log directory displays errors:

Apr 19 08:16:33 by0xi5 docker: Deleted Networks:
Apr 19 08:16:33 by0xi5 docker: docker_gwbridge

4. "docker network ls" command doesn't list the docker_gwbridge:


1. If all the conditions above are met, in this scenario, please manually add the docker gateway bridge by using the following command:

docker network create docker_gwbridge

2. After executing the command, the docker_gwbridge should be visible:

3. Restart the docker service using the following command:

systemctl restart docker

4. Rerun the catalog backup.


Should this reoccur after reboot of the DPX appliance then make the following change to /usr/lib/systemd/system/dpx-plugins.service after adding back docker_gwbridge network as outlined above

1)  sudo vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/dpx-plugins.service

2) Comment out ExecStartPre=-/bin/docker system prune -f by addign a # at the start of the line

3) restart the DPX appliance

4) verify the bridge is stille present using :

docker network ls

This issue is addressed in DPX 4.7.1.