Status Issue ID Operation Description
New DPXN-2668 Hyper-V Backup Adds support for excluding certain virtual machines from Hyper-V backup selection.
New DPXN-2620 Security Enhances the product security with a stricter password policy for the sysadmin account. Users are required to set up a new password when they log into the HTML5-based management interface for the first time.
Impr DPXN-3590 Supportability Enhances VMware Agentless backup stability by defaulting the maximum number of virtual machines protected concurrently per ESXi host to 5 virtual machines.
Impr DPXN-3266 Supportability Adds support for Scality Ring via S3 API for Block, VMware Agentless cloud archive and NDMP Backup.
Impr DPXN-3248 Setup Changes default password for DPX Master Server OVA initial deployment to same as the username.
Impr DPXN-3180 GUI Navigation Enhances the job monitor to allow job instance logs to be downloaded as a compressed file. 
Impr DPXN-3121 Security Upgrades DPX OpenJDK version to jre8u275 for security updates and fixes
Impr DPXN-3106 Job Monitor Adds support for downloading log collection in new DPX HTML Management Interface 
Impr DPXN-3084 Setup Improves the DPX Master server OVA update to also automatically patch the DPX core modules in one step
Impr DPXN-3080 Setup Improves Hyper-V Master OVA deployment to use the same memory and CPU requirements as the VMware OVA 
Impr DPXN-3074 Application Backup Extends application backup support to Microsoft SQL Server 2017 and 2019 databases for File Backup. 
Impr DPXN-2763 Agentless VMware Updates the Virtual Disk Development Kit used for VMware Agentless backup to version 7.0.1 on DPX Linux Proxy servers.
Impr DPXN-2093 GUI Navigation Enhances the job monitor actions in the new HTML interface to allow any job to be started regardless of job type. Previously only agentless jobs could be successfully started from the job monitor.
Impr DPSUST-5044 File Backup Extends application backup support to Microsoft SQL Server 2016 databases for File Backup. 
Impr DPM-321 Supportability Adds support for Wasabi Cloud Storage via S3 api for Block, VMware Agentless cloud archive and NDMP Backup.  
Fix DPXN-3857 Advanced Backup Fixes an issue where backup jobs to vStor would fail with error: "(sqlite3.OperationalError) database is locked"
Fix DPXN-3593 Hyper-V Backup Fixes an issue where Hyper-V backup jobs when cancelled would remain in cancelling status. 
Fix DPXN-3567 Replication Fixes an issue where vStor replication jobs would fail with error: "(sqlite3.OperationalError) database is locked" 
Fix DPXN-3495 GUI Navigation Fixes an issue where block backups fail with error: "Could not connect to NDMP server at host on port(1003). Reason(rc=10061)"
Fix DPXN-3397 Agentless VMware Fixes an issue where VMware agentless backups fail with error: "Error in reading Metadata file"
Fix DPXN-2959 Hyper-V Backup Fixes an issue where  a Hyper-V restore to another stand-alone host may fail with error:  "...configuration file which could not be resolved" if the network interface is not present on the destination host to which the VM is being restored.
Fix DPXN-2891 Hyper-V Backup Fixes an issue where Hyper-V backups fail with error: "Upload of disk <XYZ.AVHDX> failed"
Fix DPXN-2641 Report Fixes an issue where reports were showing an incorrect creation date.
Fix DPXN-2368 Hyper-V Backup Fixes an issue that checkpoint files for Hyper-V backups are left behind after backup completes.
Fix DPXN-2365 Hyper-V Backup Fixes an issue where incremental Hyper-V backup sometimes fails with error : Missing the required parameter 'resilientChangeTrackingID
Fix DPXN-2167 Archive Fixes and issue where cloud archive of block incremental backup may fail intermittently with error  "backup_renamed_files failed for incre block-archive backup,Exiting...".
Fix DPSUST-5144 Agentless VMware Fixes an issue with the vCenter plugin where jobs will fail error: Malformed seldirs were located in the job definition
Fix DPSUST-5119 Setup Fixes an issue where internal Catalogic time servers where incorrectly added to NTP configuration file.
Fix DPSUST-5109 Catalog Backup Fixes an issue where Catalog backup jobs fail on error "Error locking database for catalog backup, rc = 1792"
Fix DPSUST-5072 Archive Fixes an issue with Block Archive where job fails after patching enterprise to DPX 4.7.0.
Fix DPSUST-5070 Application Backup Fixes an issue for Block backup where transaction log truncation was not performed on Microsoft SQLServer AlwaysOn clusters.
Fix DPSUST-5058 GUI Navigation Fixes an issue where archive schedules could not be added to an Open Storage Server Block backup.
Fix DPSUST-5057 Agentless VMware Fixes an issue where VMware agentless restore fails with error: "java.lang.Exception: Could not find disk for temporary datastore lun"
Fix DPSUST-5033 Agentless VMware Fixes an issue where VMware agentless backups hang on "Creating Initiator Group" message.
Fix DPSUST-5028 File Backup Fixes an issue with File backup where job may fail after updating device server to 4.7.0.
Fix DPSUST-5027 Agentless VMware Fixes an issue where Block and Agentless backups fail after upgrading to vStor 4.7.0
Fix DPSUST-4752 Agentless VMware Fixes an issue where the VMware Agentless backups polices cannot be correctly assigned in VMware vCenter.