

After applying fix patch 251 (DPX Version 4.4.4), Agentless Backups of VMs without VMware or 3rd Party Tools may fail even after Quiescing is turned off.




Some virtual machines in the selected Agentless job do not have VMWare tools installed.

Agentless Backup fails with error :
X.X.X.X 12/14/2016 10:02:53 am SNBVLB_036W Could not create file system and application consistent snapshot for VM {VSRV-QM}; OS: {windows7Server64Guest}
X.X.X.X 12/14/2016 10:02:55 am SNBSVH_658E Task 7 encountered error. Error message There has been some problem while running this task, reason (java.lang.Exception: The target VM Quickborn/Halle/HOB_SCS_2.1_VP has no VMware Tools installed.)





This behavior will be addressed in a DPX Maintenance Update. However, a complete Maintenance Update is not available at this time. Contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support if you require help applying the hotfix.

1) Contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support referencing this article number.
2) Replace the vfl.jar and vilib.jar from the .../DPX/lib/ directory with the files contained in the patch on all Virtualization Proxies.
3) Restart DPX Services on the system where the hotfix was applied.
4) Create a new Backup for all VMs that don't have VMware or 3rd Party Tools installed and set the Job Options to Disable Quiescing for this job.



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