

Granular recovery of specific Pluggable Databases (PDBs) can be performed via Instant Disk Restore (Instant Access) combined with RMAN.

Step By Step

  1. Perform an Instant Disk Restore of the Container Database (CDB) by using an Oracle Restore job in ECX. The Oracle CDB copy may already have been cataloged into RMAN when the copy was created, or you can opt to do this during the Instant Disk Restore.
  2. Log in to RMAN. List the copies in the catalog and identify the tag from which you want to recover. Tags for ECX-created entries generally use the following format: "ECX_<timestamp>".
  3. Close the existing PDB by running the following command:
alter pluggable database <PDB_name> close;
  1. Recover the PDB by running the following command: run {
restore pluggable database <name> from tag '<tag_name>'; recover pluggable database <name>; }
  1. Open the recovered PDB by running the following command:  alter pluggable database <PDB_name> open;
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