

A copy data job for an Oracle instance fails with the message 'Database test1 is not eligible for copy job. There are not databases for instance:oratest1':
WARN 1.49632E+12 Thu 1 Jun 2017 11:52:12 UTC 2 Database test1 is not eligible for copy job. Storage vendor:Unknown
WARN 1.49632E+12 Thu 1 Jun 2017 11:52:12 UTC 2 There are no databases for instance:oratest1 / OraDb11g_home1

In addition, the Application Configuration report will also report that test1 is not supported for copy jobs.


Cause 1:
In this specific case, Oracle Data Guard had been implemented. In this environment, the instance name of the database on the host oratest1 was 'test1'. The database or DB_NAME was 'test'. In addition, as part of the Data Guard setup, there was a physical standby database on a second host called 'test2'.  In the /etc/oratab file, there is an entry only for test1.

Within ECX, selectable databases (those eligible for copy jobs) are based on DB_NAME and not by instance name.  In addition, there was an issue where logs from the standby database were also being detected as a local location and resolution was failing, which also causes the database to be marked as 'ineligible'.

This behavior is addressed in an ECX Update. Please update the ECX appliance to ECX 2.7 or later. If the issue still persists, contact Catalogic Technical Support and reference Issue ID ECSUST-1408.

Cause 2
Another cause for this issue is that the Oracle Inventory database does not contain the databases ECX is expected to catalog and backup. After correcting the Oracle inventory database information the databases could be protected by CDM. 

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