

Attempt to update master server might fail with a Java exception due to an incomplete edit of the dpx.jnlp at installation.




Whether run manually or using the Autoupdate interface, Autoupdate to 4.5.1 fails on the master server.  Examination of the updateinstall.log file shows a Java exception after the "Verify md5sum for patch files ... OK" step.



Tue Dec 19 15:55:51 EST 2017 Uncaught exception happened during patch installation
Tue Dec 19 15:55:51 EST 2017 Exception message: Illegal group reference
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal group reference
    at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement(
    at com.syncsort.bex.autoupdate.patchinst.PatchInstUtils.strReplace(
    at com.syncsort.bex.autoupdate.patchinst.PatchInstUtils.jnlpUpdate(
    at com.syncsort.bex.autoupdate.patchinst.PatchInstaller.applyPatch(
    at com.syncsort.bex.autoupdate.patchinst.PatchInstallerMain.main(

Examination of the dpx.jnlp file in http/ROOT/webapps is likely to show this line near the beginning:

<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="$CODEBASE" href="dpx.jnlp">



Replace $CODEBASE with the URL for the master server's resolvable name or IP address:




Use the appropriate name or IP address for "master server".  Keep the quotes that were around $CODEBASE.  For example:

<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://<<master server name or IP address>>:6122/" href="dpx.jnlp">