

The Network setup section of the Virtualize interface for Block Restores has a field described as "Virtual Machine DNS Suffix". Its name doesn't quite match its function.


How does one use the "Virtual Machine DNS Suffix" field of the Virtualization interface?


The "Enter Network Information" section of the Virtualize interface for Block Restore includes a field called "Virtual Machine DNS Suffix" which is available when Static address setup is used.  The prior fields allow setting the virtual machine's IP address, Netmask, Gateway and DNS server.  The name of the field suggests that it will be used to set the domain part of a fully qualified domain name using the hostname provided in an earlier dialog.

However, it is actually used to set the list of domains to be used as the search path with the specified DNS server.  On Windows it appends to the list of domains already specified by the source system.  On Linux, it overwrites /etc/resolv.conf file setting the "nameserve" clause to the address specified in the "Virtual Machine DNS" entry of the dialog and the "search" clause with the list of domains specified in the "Virtual Machine DNS suffix" field.

It does not set the domain name on either system.
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