

A Netapp Block Backup may display the following error: "failed on NFS mount" if the NFS LIF on the Target SVM cannot be reached or the SVM has multiple NFS interfaces




A snapvault Block backup may fail connecting to the NFS LIF on the Secondary during backup displaying the following message in the Job Report:

...type(NDMP_LOG_ERROR), text(Standard exception [FileTransport creation failed: NFS mount failed] was caught on backup process)​

This could be due to a routing problem to the NFS Interface of the target SVM, or due to the fact that the SVM has multiple NFS LIFs in different IP spaces and only one of the LIFs can be reached by this particular Client. 



Resolution 1:
To troubleshoot the issue please verify first that your Client is able to access the NFS LIF of the target SVM by opening a telnet connection from the Client addressing Port 111 and 2049

Resolution 2:
Verify that the NFS permissions for the client accessing the Volumes of the SVM are correct:



  • The following command checks read/write access for an NFSv3 client with the IP address to the volume home2 on vserver vs1. The command output shows that the volume uses the export policy exp-home-dir and that access is denied.

vserver export-policy check-access -vserver vs1 -client-ip -volume home2 -authentication-method sys -protocol nfs3 -access-type read-write

                                      Policy    Policy     Rule
Path                    Policy        Owner     Owner Type Index  Access
----------------------- ------------- --------- ---------- ------ ----------
/                       default       vs1_root  volume          1 read
/eng                    default       vs1_root  volume          1 read
/eng/home2              exp-home-dir  home2     volume          1 denied
3 entries were displayed.

*Example output shown

Resolution 3:
Verify that the IP used is the correct IP address according to the logs 

Mar 04 10:04:39 2018:2224:INFO:The following NFS IP addresses were detected:
Mar 04 10:04:39 2018:2224:INFO:
Mar 04 10:04:39 2018:2224:INFO:
Mar 04 10:04:39 2018:2224:INFO:
Mar 04 10:04:39 2018:2224:INFO:Attempting to use IP address: for NFS data transfer....
Mar 04 10:04:39 2018:2224:INFO:NFS IP address: has been selected.

If the Client is accessing the SVM on a secondary IP address and not the primary IP address listed 

This behavior has been addressed in a DPX Maintenance Update. Please perform a DPX Autoupdate to apply latest DPX release.  (This can be performed from Help | Autoupdate DPX with the DPX Management Console.)

See the Software Update Release Notes for DPX 4.5.4 referencing Issue ID DPSUST-4348

If the issue continues to occur after applying the update please contact  Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support referencing the Issue ID.












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