

After applying ECX 2.7 patch 1023 SVC cataloging policies may fail with connection refused errors.




IBM SVC cataloging jobs fails with error : 

2018-05-22 10:38:37.927] INFO asyncTaskExecutor-583 com.catalogic.ecx.ibmsvcprovider.cli.impl.IBMSVCCliConnection 1526976000209 Command lsfcmap -delim , -filtervalue source_vdisk_id="413" failed with exception com.catalogic.ecx.ibmsvcprovider.exception.IBMSVCConnectionException: Failed to connect to, caused by com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Connection refused (Connection refused), and caused by Connection refused (Connection refused)
[2018-05-22 10:38:37.927] WARN asyncTaskExecutor-583 com.catalogic.ecx.serviceprovider.catalog.ibmsvc.GetVolumes 1526976000209 Skipping flash copy catalog of HAC1T_D2 volume





This behavior has been address in ECX 2.8.  Please use the Admin Console to update to this version. You can also contact Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support for obtaining a hotfix update referencing Issue ID ECSUST-1489.



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