

Error 1923 is a Windows installer error. It means that a service could not be installed due to insufficient privileges.



When trying to install or update DPX CMAgent the service could not be started or installed and returns  Error 1923 from the Microsoft installer.



There are multiple possible causes for this:
  • The user running the installer does not have sufficient privileges to install a service.
 When starting the installer, "Run as administrator" by right clicking on the installer.
  • The user attempting to start the service does not have the "LogOnAsService" right.
The Log on as Service right applies to the Local Security Policy of the machine where the DPX client is installed.  This right can be applied using ‘Administrative Tools’ -> ‘Local Security Policy’ ->‘Local Policy’ -> ‘User Rights Assignment’ -> ‘Log on as a service’. Also make sure the user is not listed in the Deny Log as a service security policy.
  • Some files are still open and can not be marked for update after reboot. This case most often occurs when multiple attempts of DPX Client installation have failed or if a much older version of the client is still present.
Make sure the client was completely uninstalled using the manual uninstall process described in KB Article 43228. After this process is complete, a system reboot is required to release any open files.


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