

How do I do SQL log truncation ?


If you want to back up a Microsoft SQL Server log with DPX 4.5.3. or higher with log truncation, you have to note some requirements first:

1. Ensure that the SQL database is running in the correct mode. Databases in "Simple mode" cannot be used for a separate SQL log backup.
2. The DPX CMAgent service on the SQL system must run as a user that is allowed to perform SQL system backup operations.
3. In the "Backup-Job Options"  under the Application-Tab  for the SQL backup, the option "Backup and Truncate SQL Logs" must be set to YES.

If the job was completed successfully, you should see something similar to the following in the job log:
15012: Backup Success: Comp LABDEMO1) LogPath(SQLDEMO_01\LAB01) Status(TRUE)