

The information provided in this article illustrates a sample configuration and can be altered to accommodate a user’s environment. 

In addition, the template should be viewed as a sample Power BI template that can be further modified as needed. Microsoft’s Power BI product can be installed directly from the Microsoft Web site and should be maintained per Microsoft’s requirements.
 Windows Installation/Setup
  1. Download/install Power BI for Desktop: For an enterprise with Windows master server, we recommend installing Power BI on the Master server itself.
  2. Create the following directory on the Windows machine where Power BI is installed: “C:\Catalogic\DPX”
  3. Download the sample template, script and “stages” executable from the Catalogic MySupport site at The package contains:
  • “Stages.exe” (Executable used to parse DPX job logs)
  • “CreateCSV-V1.bat” (Sample script)
  • “DPX-BI-Template-V1.pbit” (Sample template)
  • “Stages-User-Guide-” (Current “Stages” documentation)
Assuming the DPX master server product installation directory is “C:\Program Files\DPX”:
  • Move “stages.exe” to C:\Program Files\DPX\tools
  • Move “CreateCSV-V1.bat” to C:\Program Files\DPX\sched\scripts
  • Move “DPX-BI-Template-V1.pbit” and “Stages-User-Guide-” to pre-created “C:\Catalogic\DPX” directory
  1. Use the DPX scheduler to run the provided script.
Note: The script can be submitted outside of DPX using native OS features or a third-party scheduler.
  1. Create and Schedule a DPX job and use the Pre-script option to trigger the script. Below is an example depicting the creation of the DPX Copy job that copies to itself a dummy "Foo.txt" file with suggested Source and Destination options:


  1. Open the script in the editor and validate the content:
    1. Validate the location of the files/directories mentioned in the script:
"C:\Program Files\DPX\tools\stages.exe" -f bytes -fg -sc -sn -f live -W D1T00:00/00:00 -cC:\Catalogic\DPX\DPXdashboard "C:\Program Files\DPX\logs" 2>&1 > C:\Catalogic\DPX\MainStagesLogDash.txt

                                                              In this example
                              "C:\Program Files\DPX\tools\stages.exe” – path to the directory that has “stages” tool;

"C:\Program Files\DPX\logs" – path to the DPX logs directory;


  1. Validate the login information for the bexrpt command:
"C:\Program Files\DPX\tools\bexrpt.exe" -u sysadmin -p sysadmin -h 0 -o C:\Catalogic\DPX\bexrpt.txt
In this example, the DPX User id Password is sysadmin: “-u sysadmin -p sysadmin”
  1. The DPX Copy job will submit the “stages” executable, which will parse DPX job logs in the DPX\logs directory and generate files with the prefix “DPX” and “DPXdashboard” as well as a “bexrpt.txt” file in the “C:\Catalogic\DPX” directory.


  1. Once the script generates files: 
    1. Open the template C:\Catalogic\DPX\BI-Template-V1.pbit.
    2. Click “Refresh” on the toolbar to load new data and see reports.

Linux Installation/Setup.

  1. Download/install Power BI for Desktop: For an enterprise with a Linux master server, it can be installed on any Windows machine which can access files generated on the master server.
  2. Create the following directory on this Windows machine: “C:\Catalogic\DPX”.
  3. Download the sample template, script and the “stages” executable from the Catalogic MySupport site: The package contains:
  • “stages” (Executable used to parse DPX job logs)
  • “” (Sample script)
  • “DPX-BI-Template-V1.pbit” (Sample template)
  • “Stages-User-Guide-” (Current “Stages” documentation)

        Assuming the product installation directory is “/opt/DPX”:

  • Move “stages” to /opt/DPX/tools
  • Move “” to /opt/DPX/tools/sched/scripts
  • Move “DPX-BI-Template-V1.pbit” and “Stages-User-Guide-” to pre-created “C:\Catalogic\DPX” directory
  1. Use the DPX scheduler to run the provided script.
Note: The script can be submitted outside of the DPX using native OS features or third-party scheduler.
  1. Create and Schedule a DPX job and use the Pre-script option to trigger the script. Below is an example depicting the creation of the DPX Copy job that copies to itself a dummy "Foo.txt" file with suggested Source and Destination options:


  1.  Open the script in the editor and validate the content:
    1. Validate the location of the files/directories mentioned in the script:
/opt/DPX/tools/stages -f bytes -fg -sc -sn -f live -W D1T00:00/00:00 -c /opt/DPX/tools/DPXdashboard /opt/DPX/logs > /opt/DPX/tools/MainStagesLogDash.txt 2> /opt/DPX/tools/MainStagesErrorDash.txt                                                   
In this example

                              "/opt/DPX/tools/stages” – path to the directory that has “stages” tool;

"/opt/DPX/logs " – path to the DPX logs directory;


  1. Validate the login information for the bexrpt command:
/opt/DPX/bin/bexrpt -u sysadmin -p sysadmin -h 0 -o /opt/DPX/tools/bexrpt.txt
In this example, the DPX User id Password is sysadmin: “-u sysadmin -p sysadmin”
  1. The DPX Copy job will submit the “stages” executable, which will parse the DPX job logs in the /opt/DPX/logs directory and generate files with the prefix “DPX” and “DPXdashboard” as well as a “bexrpt.txt” file in the “/opt/DPX/tools” directory.
  1. Once the script generates files in /opt/DPX/tools, they must be made available to the Windows Power BI machine.
It is advisable to create a Windows share that will point directly to the /opt/DPX/tools directory and files that will be accessible by the Power BI template.
Note: If there is no direct access to /opt/DPX/tools, you have to transfer bexrpt.txt, DPX*, and DPXdashboard* files from /opt/DPX/tools” on the Master server to the Windows Power BI machine “C:\Catalogic\DPX” directory:
  1. Open the template C:\Catalogic\DPX\BI-Template-V1.pbit.
  2. Click “Refresh” on the toolbar to load new data and see reports.


  • The messages currently noticed in the "Important Warnings" table on the Dashboard are:
1) A message reporting that a client and master server are different versions.
2) A message that a tape drive needs to be cleaned.
3) A message that a catalog backup has not been run as often as recommended.
4) A suite of Capacity Licensing error and warning messages.
  • By Default, the "Significant Data Change Rate" table on the Dashboard filters Change rate >30%.
  • Start and End Dates depicted on the template specify timestamps of the earliest and latest Jobs available within the time range specified by the Backup Window parameter of the “stages”.
  • Every script execution replaces files in the target directory “C:\Catalogic\DPX”; this will ensure that size of the directory will not grow.

For the instructions on how to enable “Analytics” Tab in DPX GUI, see the following KB: How to Enable Power BI “Analytics” Tab in DPX GUI