

When browsing a block backup for performing a restore, when no file history is available, DPX creates a clone of the volume and LUN from the snapshot. This LUN is presented to the system selected for the browsing. When browse is completed the LUN and clone volume are not removed.



For live browsing of a block backup instance, when file history was not generated at backup time, a clone of the volume hosting the snapshot is created.  Then BEXIMAGE.RAW for the source disk or volume is used to create a logical unit (LUN) which is iSCSI mapped to the host.  This LUN and clone volume are not removed when browsing is complete. This affects CDOT and vStor technologies 

Image below shows a clone volume on CDOT and the LUN it hosts, using the OnCommand interface. 

Below shows a clone on vStor and the LUN it hosts, using the vStor graphic interface.


Below is an example of clone and filebackedlun using the vStor CLI.

This output is generated by "vstor volume show" command 

4876 | filesystem    | 1    | Yes      | 14.41TB | 11.67TB | 79.50KB  | Felsic_clone_1592166692_1592093702  | ONLINE
4877 | filebackedlun | 1    | No       | 60.00GB | 51.13GB | 8.87GB   | /vol/Felsic_clone_1592166692_1592093702/[vsFelsic-1]Felsic@(DFBC4039)/BEXIMAGE.RAW/SSSV_lun_{vsFelsic-1}Felsic_{DFBC4039}.1592093702 | ONLINE



This problem is fixed in DPX 4.6.1.  No hotfix is available for prior versions.  The update will not address LUNs and clone volumes created by previous restore definitions.  The mapped drive will appear in Show Mapped Drives for the system selected for the live browsing.  This can be used to unmap the drives and remove the LUN and clone.

On Windows and Linux systems, the drives mapped for live browsing appear as a directory in the mount directory where DPX is installed - $SSPRODIR/mount/BEX_0_<number> for Linux and $SSPRODIR\mount\BEX_0_<number> for Windows. The name of the mount point is BEX_0_"ten-digit-timestamp".