

This article describes how to move an appendable or full volser to a different media pool.


It is sometimes useful to move volsers from one media pool to another without having to delete and relabel them. The DPX GUI doesn't allow this, but the command-line utility syncui does.


1. First, be sure you know which volsers you are moving. Also be sure to only move tapes between pools of the same media types.

Log into the master server system as root (UNIX) or Administrator (Windows) and go to the bin directory beneath the main DPX directory. Then, access the command line user interface by typing:

syncui -s,

The -s switch is used here to set the "," as the option delimiter character. At the prompt
"Enter DB command or quit to quit" type:

c s,<servernodename>

Where <servernodename> is the hostname or IP address of the master server node. The server will connect to the ssdatmgr module by default, and then return to the prompt.

Then, you can login to DPX using the same login name and password you use while starting the GUI:

db login,sysadmin,<sysadminpassword>


2. Change the tape status:

The tvol command allows you to manipulate the database entries relating to tapes in your media pools. This may be helpful in cases where a job failure has tied up a tape volser and you wish to reset it so that it is once again accessible. Tor a summary of the subcommands type:

help tvol

To see the database information for all the tapes:

tvol list

To get information for just one tape:

tvol get,<volser>

To move a tape to a different media pool:

tvol update,<volser>,<newmediapool>,<mediatype>, , , , , ,

Note that there are blanks between the last "," characters, to act as spaceholders.

To view the updated information for this volser:

tvol get,<volser>

3. Exit the user interface:

Simply type quit.