

This article provides installation guidelines for RMAN.


  • It is not uncommon to have several Oracle instances installed on one server. Usually (but not always) each instance is installed in a different location that is defined by the ORACLE_HOME environment variable. When two or more Oracle instances are installed on one server, but they are different versions of Oracle, you must have separate ORACLE_HOME locations. In the case of two or more ORACLE_HOMEs, you must run the DPX installation script once for each ORACLE_HOME since successful installation of RMAN support requires you to set ORACLE_HOME.
  • DPX RMAN support involves running the installation script bexdbins that is located in SSPRODIR/misc/ on UNIX.
  • ORACLE_HOME is not set for RMAN installation support on Windows machines. You will be prompted for the root location of ORACLE_HOME during the installation. You must run as many installation routines as there are ORACLE_HOMEs on the server. The RMAN support installation program is located on the Windows CD in the win\dbins directory.