

Windows backup fails due to a Disk Data Mover closed connection" error. "


The job log for a Windows backup shows that the System State task failed: ssdmtape Tue Jul 20 11:01:34 2004 SNBDBS3069E 3972: Failing the System State Backup ssevthnd Tue Jul 20 11:01:35 2004 SNBEHD4258E 3552: *** Disk Data Mover closed connection in job 1090336540 task 1 ***


On the client, the *.bsp log file for the WIN2KSYS task shows that the file c:\windows\system32\drivers\atapi.sys was in use:

Tue Jul 20 11:00:49 2004 SNBDBS3066D 3728: *** Module DMBS (child): jobid(1090336540) taskid(1)

Tue Jul 20 11:00:50 2004 SNBFBR3066D 3972: (NtFrsApiGetBackupRestoreSets) failed (2)

Tue Jul 20 11:01:34 2004 SNBDBS1021E 3972: Error opening file c:\windows\system32\drivers\atapi.sys, rc=32

Tue Jul 20 11:01:34 2004 SNBDBS0032S 3972: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Tue Jul 20 11:01:34 2004 SNBDBS0539I 3972: dm_open_disk_spf_file RC (-4094) from dm_open_disk_object_win32.

Tue Jul 20 11:01:34 2004 SNBDBS0539I 3972: dm_open_disk_object: RC (-4094) from dm_open_disk_object_win2ksys.

Tue Jul 20 11:01:34 2004 SNBDBS3066D 3972: Forcing the failure for all system state components (1)

Tue Jul 20 11:01:34 2004 SNBDBS3069E 3972: Failing the System State Backup



A CD-ROM emulation program is running. Once this application is shut down, the WIN2KSYS backup will be successful.