

This article describes how to verify the integrity of snapshots on your Netapp secondary storage system obtained as a result of DPX Block Backup to NetApp Storage (Snapvault).



  1. The Snapshot Verifier utility can be used on any Windows machine running DPX, whether it is a client, device server or the Master server.
  2. Download and install Sun JRE 1.5 on the machine to be used for the verification process, as per the instructions in === UNKNOWN ARTICLE ===.
  3. Download and install the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator on this machine.


To install the Snapshot Verifier:

  1. Download from
  2. Save the above file to the DPX install folder.
  3. Stop all DPX services.
  4. Unzip the file into the root of the DPX install folder. This will automatically place the required files into their appropriate locations.
  5. Start all DPX services.


To run the Snapshot Verifier:

1. Edit the file iax.bat in the tools folder of DPX.

2. Set a few parameters that are specific to your enterprise:

  • Set SECONDARY_FILER to the host name/IP address of your Netapp secondary.
  • Set ROOT_PASSWORD to the password of the 'root' user on the Netapp secondary. (If password contains special characters, then password should be set in double quotes)
  • Set SECONDARY_VOLUMENAME to the volume on the secondary on which the snapshot(s) to be verified exist.
  • Set LOCAL_MOUNTPOINT to a free drive letter on the Master Server where the snapshot(s) will be mapped to, prior to verification.
  • The INTERVAL parameter decides how long to wait for (in seconds) in between an 'unmap' and 'map' operation. If you're having trouble mapping volumes when running the snapshot verifier, please increase this INTERVAL.
  • The LATEST parameter decides whether to verify the latest snapshot on the volume or all snapshots on the volume. A value of '--latest' results in only the latest snapshot being verified, whereas a blank value will result in all snapshots being verified.

3. Click Start > Programs > Catalogic DPX > Command Prompt

4. Type: iax

5. When the verification is complete, an XML report named iAExerciser.xml can be found in the logs folder of DPX. A log file named iAExerciser.log details all activities performed during the verification process.