

When running a Windows 2012 backup, you encounter error code (0x00000003) (UNKNOWN). To resolve this issue, you must uninstall the product and install the proper version for Windows 2012.


The issue was originally found on a Windows 2012 cluster installation, but this may affect other Windows 2012 installations.

The Catalogic Software job log message displays:

Message: 3700: Windows API failure: API(CreateFile); ARG(), return code (0x00000003) (UNKNOWN)

Check the .swinfo file in the Catalogic Software product installation directory. Check that the following line is in this file:


If the platform indicates unknown, then the Windows 2012 host was installed using an older installer that did not support Windows 2012.


There is no way to repair this installation. Uninstall the product and install the proper version for Windows 2012. Failure to do so results in continued failed backups and could lead to server panic due to device drivers not modified for Windows 2012 support.