

SQL Backups of large Databases may take longer than the bexsmo timeout allows for






Block or File backups of a Microsoft SQL Server node may fail during SQL verification in the job resolution phase, or due to the length of the backup, with bexsmo timeout messages displaying a "RC=127" error. 



X.X.X.X sssnap Wed Sep 18 02:29:40 2013 SNBSNP3069E 10212: Failed to check the database DD3@XXXXXX for consistency rc[127]
X.X.X.X sssnap Wed Sep 18 02:29:40 2013 SNBSNP3069E 10212: Failed to check the database [DD3] ... rc(-21)
X.X.X.X sssnap Wed Sep 18 02:29:40 2013 SNBSNP3069E 10212: MsSnapShot::check_sql_db:check_sql_db(SqlServerWriter) failed rc(-1)
X.X.X.X sssnap Wed Sep 18 02:29:40 2013 SNBSNP3069E 10212: MsSnapShot::process_backup_options:check_sql_db error(-1)
X.X.X.X sssnap Wed Sep 18 02:29:40 2013 SNBSNP3069E 10212: MsSnapShot::backup_components:process_options RC(-1)
X.X.X.X sssnap Wed Sep 18 02:29:40 2013 SNBSNP3069E 10212: BACKUP::backup_components failed rc(-4)

Error from SQL Server / bexsmo: 80131904 Error: Execution Timeout Expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
***eh_runsql: received error from eh_ms_sql_run_bexsmo, rc=127 ***





To remedy this problem you may increase the timeout setting for the bexsmo utility by editing the registry on the SQL Server client and setting a value higher than the amount of time the backup job requires to finish securing the entire SQL Server Instance:

- By default the bexsmo timeout is set to 3600 seconds (60 minutes) prior to DPX version 4.2.1 patch 0069
- In later versions of DPX the timeout is set by default to 10800 seconds (180 minutes)



To adjust this timeout and set a value high enough to complete your SQL Backup job do the following:
1) On the SQL client in question, open "regedit"
2) Browse to HKLM > Software > Syncsort > Backup Express > [Node Name] > 0
3) Create a new String called: BEXSMO_TIMEOUT_SEC
4) Enter a value for this string in seconds higher than the current default: 
5) Close the registry and restart all DPX services on this client.
6) Re-run your backup job