

A DPX Agentless VMware backup fails due to a lack of available space in the system drive. The Windows System directory (C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Windows\Temp\vmware-SYSTEM) contains files ranging in size from 0 to 1128 MB. File names consist of random numbers and may include the text allocate-bitmap.






The Agentless VMware backups fail with failure to write to the directory:



Mon Dec 29 21:24:40 2014 SNBSVH_826E ............Extended error: There has been some problem in processing disk ([XIV_vol2] USA Web/USA Web-000001.vmdk), reason (Failed to write at the end of the file C:\Windows\TEMP\bitmap5042274751230041628.bmap error 112)

Further analysis confirms an excessive number of auxiliary files in the system directory on the agentless proxy server.





This issue is addressed in DPX 4.4.0 and later/