

The following are frequently asked questions regarding setting up a local ECX Marketplace server.


In what scenarios do I generally setup a Local Marketplace Server?

The general use case for this is for sites where there is no internet access to get to the Catalogic Marketplace Server is managed by Catalogic Software and the main repository for all Marketplace assets.

By default all ECX clients point to You can configure your ECX client to point to the Local Marketplace Server using the settings option on the Marketplace UI.

What is the purpose of the Marketplace Server?

• The assets (apps, reports, documents) that you want to serve to your ECX clients are uploaded to this server.

• The assets that are loaded when you access the Marketplace on your local ECX client are from the Marketplace Server that you point the ECX client to access.

The Marketplace Server is basically an ECX environment in which you copy the mpserver-ui.war file to the virgo pickup directory.

Note: The ECX/DPX Reporter installation can download and install various add-on components from the Marketplace server if the ECX instance has access to the public internet. In cases where the ECX application is not permitted access to the public internet, the Marketplace Server can be accessed by a web browser and components manually downloaded and installed.

What is the mpserver-ui.war file?

The mpserver-ui.war contains the UI code Marketplace Server. This will be your UI interface through which you manage your Marketplace Server assets. This war file is not shipped or loaded as part of our ECX deployment.

How do I get the mpserver-ui.war file?

In your development environment under the marketplace-ui/server source code area, there is a script. Running this script will create the mpserver-ui.war in the same directory.

If you do not have access to the development environment, contact

Note that when the mpserver-ui.war file is provided by Catalogic, the file permissions should be set for all Read/Write/Copy access.

What are my options to set up a Local Marketplace Server?

Using a Docker instance

1. Follow the instructions to install ECX using Docker. Complete the initial setup such as installing the license, certificates, and changing the password.

2. Log in to the ECX container and change to the /opt/virgo/pickup directory.

3. Copy the mpserver-ui.war file to this directory.

4. Once virgo loads the mpserver-ui.war you can access the Marketplace Server UI using your browser at https://<IP>:8443/mps/marketplace. Log in using your ECX portal password.

5. Upload assets using the upload option in the menu.

Using an ECX appliance OVA

1. Follow the instructions to deploy ECX using an OVA template. Complete the initial setup such as installing the license, certificates, and changing the password.

2. Log in to the appliance as root and change to the /opt/virgo/pickup directory.

3. Copy the mpserver-ui.war file to this directory.

4. Once virgo loads the mpserver-ui.war you can access the Marketplace Server UI using your browser at https://<IP>:8443/mps/marketplace. Log in using your ECX portal password.

5. Upload assets using the upload option in the menu.