

When adding a filer in 7-mode, the following error message displays: NetApp generic query error.






The following messages display in the logs:



[2015-11-25 15:12:32.340] INFO http-apr-8082-exec-7 c.s.dp.xsb.service.jobmanager.impl.EndeavourJobManagerImpl CREATED job Default NetApp Storage Catalog with id 1,060. Policy associated with job is 1,060.

[2015-11-25 15:12:40.671] ERROR http-apr-8443-exec-28 com.syncsort.dp.xsb.netappprovider.ontap.impl.NetappSessionImpl Query to NetApp filer failed. Connection has been shutdown: Server chose SSLv3, but that protocol version is not enabled or not supported by the client.

[2015-11-25 15:12:40.676] ERROR http-apr-8443-exec-20 com.syncsort.dp.xsb.netappprovider.ontap.impl.NetappSessionImpl Query to NetApp filer failed. Connection has been shutdown: Server chose SSLv3, but that protocol version is not enabled or not supported by the client.





Enable the TLS protocol on the filer.



For TLS to take effect on HTTPS, ensure that the httpd.admin.ssl.enable option is also enabled.