

During an instant availability mapping, error rc=23009 displays.


When attempting to IA Map a drive from data protected on a  CDOT system an error rc=23009 occurs.
The Mapper logs shows errors similar to: 

  • SNBMPR3069E 8244: Disk was not found matching scsi address(5;0;0)
  • SNBMPR3069E 8244: Failed to iscsi-mount Lun on primary
  • SNBMPR3066D 8244: get_lun_disk_map() failed. rt=23009


  1. For the disk header issue, contact DPX support for a utility (DiskUtil.exe) that allows you to read disk header. Run the command and collect the output.
  2. Check the mapper log and see if there is any failure in LUN scanning. As seen in the above mapper message, the disk was not found in the assumed location. The disk is an iSCSI LUN from Netapp storage. Run
lun mapping show -vserver [Name of vserver] -fields reporting-nodes

to view the reporting nodes. The reporting nodes are nodes that allow you to scan LUN devices associated with an aggregate. If SLM is enabled and reporting nodes are not set up correctly, you cannot scan certain LUNs residing on certain Netapp nodes. Review the following documentation: