

Catalogic DPX can hold up to 20 VMDK tasks concurrently for each proxy with its default configuration. Users are not supposed to change this number by themselves unless otherwise instructed by the Catalogic specialists. The procedure boils down to (1) opening the SSSVH file, (2) adding -vmmaxproxyvmdktask INTEGER in the SSSVH argument, and (3) restarting the sscmagent. This document outlines this procedure that you can take in two systems for the Catalogic DPX Master Servers: Linux and Microsoft Windows.

Step-by-Step (Catalogic DPX for Linux)

Take the following steps to update the maximum number of the VMDK tasks on the Catalogic DPX Master Server for Linux.

Editing the SSSVH file for Linux

In Catalogic DPX for Linux, the SVH script is located at <SSPRODIR>/bin/sssvh. Login to the shell session of Catalogic DPX for Linux and open sssvh with a text editor such as vi:

$ sudo vi /catalogic/DPX/bin/sssvh

Find the line with the arguments for the SVH command; the line should look similar to the following example:


Use the -vmmaxproxyvmdktask INTEGER option to change the maximum number of VMDK tasks. Assuming that you want to increase the number from the default value of 20 to 50, update the line as follows:

SSSVH='-norespconn -vmmaxproxyvmdktask 50'

Save and close the sssvh file.

Restarting the SSCMAgent service for Linux

Restart the SSCMAgent service on Linux by using the following commands on the shell session:

$ sudo /catalogic/DPX/misc/sscmagent stop
$ sudo /catalogic/DPX/misc/sscmagent start  

Step By Step (Catalogic DPX for Microsoft Windows)

Take the following steps to update the maximum number of the VMDK tasks on the Catalogic DPX Master Server for Microsoft Windows.

Editing the SSSVH file for Microsoft Windows

In Catalogic DPX for Microsoft Windows, the SSSVH batch file is located at <SSPRODDIR>\bin\sssvh.bat. Open this file with a text editor. If your user account for Microsoft Windows does not have the administrator privilege, right-click Notepad and click Run as administrator to open Notepad as the Administrator. From the menu bar, click File > Open… and open the SSSVH file.

Find the line with the arguments for the SVH command; the line should look similar to the following example:

set SVH_ARGS=%SVH_ARGS% -norespconn -xsortdelay 30

Use the -vmmaxproxyvmdktask INTEGER option to change the maximum number of the VMDK tasks. Assume that you want to increase the number from the default value, 20, to 50. In this case, you can update the line as follow:

set SVH_ARGS=%SVH_ARGS% -norespconn -xsortdelay 30 -vmmaxproxyvmdktask 50

Save and close the sssvh.bat file.

Restarting the SSCMAgent service for Microsoft Windows

Take the following steps to restart the SSCMAgent service on the Microsoft Windows system for the Catalogic DPX Master Server:

  1. Open Services from the Start menu. Or, press [Windows] + [r] and open services.msc.
  2. Right-click SSCMAGENT in the list of services and click Properties to open the SSCMAGENT Properties dialog.
  3. Click Stop and ensure that the service status changes to “Stopped”.
  4. Click Start and ensure the service status changes to “Running”.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog and close the Services window.